Thursday, June 28, 2012

after such a hiatus.

though it has been nearly three years, i have in fact decided it is high time i return to the world of blogging.
still fat.
yes. germany, though incredible, provided me with every opportunity to maintain a robust and rotund figure as easily as america. i am not, nor have i ever been a tremendous lover of chocolate. except for the first month in Germany. i tell you the stuff is uncannily deligtful! in no way is it like american chocolate. the divinity that imbibes those humble squares of milka and the regal wedges of Ritter-Sport seem to lift one to a new level of human experience. naturally i exaggerate as a means of excusing my gluttony. regardless, the stuff was uncommon good and indeed i consumed a great deal more than my fair share.

speaking of such things, the bread in the father land was....well in the words of the great CS Lewis, i won't tell you how cheap and good they were because it would only make your mouth water in vain. yes. that delectable. naturally i ate all i could lay my pudgy american hands upon. needless to say, fitness was low on my priority list and traveling europe with the most exclusicvly epicurean of philopsophies, i sampled and indeed indulged in more eating than any decent person should have ever considered.

all that being said, i did not gain any weight in Germany, mostly due to the fact that i walked all over the place, but also, i believe due to the fact that nothing was processed over there. (because i certainly ate the fair share of two or three persons) So the copious hiking and healthy eating that i supposed would turn me into this naturally ripped hiker, never actually happened.

then i came home. coming from a life where i was constantly surrounded by people, having Europe at my  doorstep to explore, to a life of few companions in the very small town of Lexington North Carolina, i soon found myself remarkably bored. i looked frantically for a job, applying literally anywhere i could. In the end, only one place called back and i landed the job. i was a cashier at a startup italian restaurant. it was far worse than it sounds.

the bosses were egyptian and had the good nature of menstrual badgers. they treated their employees with the utmost objectivity, regarding them as disposable tools. i think that hating people is wrong so i got a s close as i could get to hatred without actually hating them.

the stress of this job was outrageous. not because being a cashier is a terribly difficult job requiring a great deal of skill, but because my employers were simply  atrocious. i began to bring my lunch to work since i was only allowed a small discount on food. still, having a six hour shift with little or no food was trying and i found i would get home in the evenings ravenously hungry and of course, i would overindulge to compensate.

of course the summer went swimmingly. (false) but with regular running i did manage to keep my weight from escalating too terribly. then came college.

i always knew, because i am so infinitely wise, that i would not be the college student who stays up far too late, wakes up at the last possible second, runs to breakfast, runs to class and gains their freshmen (or in my case sophomore) weight. alas, that was precisely the young lad i became. having a job both semesters and a pretty full course load left me with little time to exercise and the time i had to exercise, i most assuredly slept.

needless to say, i gained weight very quickly. rapidly in fact. by the time summer came around, i tried on my old baggy shorts and they now fit quite snugly really. as a matter of fact i find they inflict a sort of punishing pain as a means of chiding me for my gluttony and sloth. so here i go again trying to lose weight. i estimate my needing to lose roughly sixty to seventy pounds. if i need to lose more well i will cross that bridge whenever i may venture to cross it. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

i did not, in fact die.

although it has been a great deal of time indeed since i have posted anything, i am happy to report that i am indeed living. that is essentially the only thing i can report that will be following under that category of happy.

if you have been faithful to read the rest of my posts, first of all i would like to point ant laugh at you for having nothing better to do and second, i am sure you will recall that i was attempting to lose fifty pounds in one hundred and fifty days so that i would be all sexy and whatnot by the time i left for germany. as i am sure you have gathered what i am about to say, i will be blunt so as not to make you feel foolish. i have not come even a smidgen close to completing this goal. as always, there is a story.

as the end of another school year rolled to a halt, i began seeking summer employment. to my joy, i was able to pull some strings and smack a few people around and secured two jobs for the summer. one, was a job as a counselor at a daycamp. this was to be a short lived job for the month of july only. i would be on my feet and working all day so there would be little worry of eating too much. however, life always has a way of making me fat so i also got a job at Dominos as a pizza delivery expert. (their words, not mine. a monkey could do my job, it certainly does not require any amount of expertise) i assumed i would be allowed a discount and have no access to pizza free of charge and i was partly right. i indeed got a discount and am still not allowed to take food for free. however, working with the less than competent crew i am a part of has certain consequences.

whenever an order is mussed and cannot be given to the customer, it falls to the employees of Dominos pizza to properly dispose of the unsuitable pizza. this means a fat heard of obese individuals attacks the stack of pies and gains eight pounds in the meantime. also, Domino's is in the habit of trading food with other local businesses providing the employees with a second supper.

in addition to the copious pizza i have been consuming, my schedule being erratic as it is, i have taken to shoveling food in at every non-busy moment, not knowing when my next free second will be. all in all my life has taken a downturn in food quality. more to come, hopefully somewhat better

Saturday, May 15, 2010


i have refrained from posting lately due to a busy schedule. this is a lie. i have eaten such tremendous amounts of food lately that i have been ashamed to tell about it. as the school year comes to a close, copious festivities require me to eat more in order to keep up socially. this is also a lie. however, the aforementioned festivities have only added to the detriment of my weight and health. i have taken to eating out with friends and not eating only what is only on my own plate but also the remainders if my friend's plates. then when i see an obscene stack of plates before me and i realize that only one of them is actually my own, i feel an overwhelming urge to vomit and run a marathon as a means of purging myself. instead i just ask the waiter to bring another basket of bread.

Exercise is still going strong for the most part. although the past two days have been slightly less than physically taxing in an exercising manner.this is due mostly to the fact that a train ran me down somewhere in the vicinity of my sinuses. i woke up with a head full of concrete and a body that had been used as a punching bag. i couldn't hear, see, smell or taste and my throat was gently pulsing and throbbing in a manner that prevented me from turning my head. my joints had been pummeled and defeated. therein lies my excuse for not exercising. actually, i'm just stopped up and achy with no sense of taste or smell which oddly enough has caused me to eat all the more. i keep eating as if perhaps the next bite will have some taste.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Days One and Two

Well the first day and second day of my one-hundred-fifty day thing have passed. as usual, breakfast and lunch were not total disasters. i was however able to refrain from mooching my colleagues leftovers. (though i grimaced as they threw them away) being the end of the monthly fiscal period, the selections for my lunch were less than grand. i was also running late and was forced to pick some pre-packaged and high calorie, very unsatisfying food. as the day wore on and my hunger gnawed at me, i grew increasingly irritable at the thought of my meager lunch. by the time lunch came, i was quite irritable and began to make my friends pay seeing as it was clearly their fault that my lunch was so pitiful.

as far as exercising is concerned, day one was mostly a success. after having seen a deceased snake on the side of the road, i was reminded that this was the time of year when the fowl creatures were awaking from their hibernation and throwing themselves maliciously in my path. this led me to alternate my routine and steer clear from my normal woodsy route. instead, i ventured to the subdivision near my house and walked there for a bit.

on the second day, my forest path had been cleared and mowed to a decently low level and my serpentine fears were not so great so i took to the woods once more. after about five minutes the rain began to pour. i decided that this would be good preparation for snowy hikes in germany. until i was soaked ot the bone and i was afraid my iPod would die. so i went inside and loafed on the couch. i tried to do somehing productive but in the end submitted to the ever seductive call of napping.

overall, the eating and exercising wasn't a total debacle for these days. we shall see where it all goes in the coming 148 days.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

50 pounds in 150 days

alright, so its not exactly fifty pounds or 150 days. its more like 43 in 145. still it is an undertaking. my actual goal is to be 200 pounds by the time i go to germany this fall. which is roughly 50 pounds in 150 days.

i decided to launch this new campaign after a week of festivity and eating. for various reasons, i spent a great deal of time celebrating and being generally jovial. this of course required excess consumption of food. i made an inappropriately large and delicious asian meal and had friends over to gorge themselves on it with me so that i would not be alone in my gluttony. we excused this little binge with saying they dropped in for an episode of lost. naturally, all of the food was fried. general tso's chicken, fried rice and egg rolls to be precise. though it was delicious, i could feel the vast tides of oil i had used to cook the food just adding layer upon layer of chunky flesh and flab to my already flabby self.

in keeping up with the pathetic trend, i dines out with friends three other times, each time eating double or triple the humane amount. i felt slightly remorseful as i sat in cracker barrel, after having consumed one of the largest breakfasts on the menu. i thought about less fortunate children who were malnourished and rarely got a full meal, and here i just ate three times what i needed. but, oh! i bet she won't eat those fries! i wonder if anyone would mind if i took the last biscuit? you see that my sympathy lies not even skin deep.

so tomorrow is the new day. and i am starting over once again. blech. maybe i could save up for a lipo-suction.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

just life i spose.

well, since i last posted...i have lost FOUR POUNDS! i know, i know. you must be thinking whoever heard of such a feat? FOUR POUNDS? the man must have some magical quality about him! anyway, despite the small number, you have to start somewhere so four is not a bad place to start if i do say so myself!

seeing as today was tuesday, it meant it was the lowest calorie day of the week. i glance at the fridge as tuesday approaches an shiver with each approaching day. by the time tuesday comes, i think....okay, i can handle this. and i do, for lunch and breakfast but then by the time dinner rolls around i'm toast. ah well, i still end up eating less on such days. though i do complain, it has worked. and with only minimal suffering.

the exercising is still existing. i still prepare for the hiking by doing my little walks in the woods and the hills are still making a mockery of me. i can just hear the earth chuckle as i heave myself up a particularly nasty hill. i try to distract myself with music which is all well and good until my shinsplints lock my legs and my breath abruptly stops. the other day i decided to incorporate jogging again and i was able to push myself farther seeing as there were no creeks in my way this time. now, normally i exaggerate but this time i am serious when i say that i could barely breathe when i stopped. i tried to breathe in and something in me had hit panic mode and was not allowing normal breathing. i had seen plenty of athletes bend in half when they lost their breath so i tried this. it helped but i soon realized i was giving the neighbors quite a spectacle all bent over and huffing and whatnot. so, in order to keep the traces of my pride, i stood tall and proud and proceeded down the trail where i soon died again.

to make a quick jump, healthy food. oh how delicious, how nutritious and how utterly unsatisfying. i love a good salad and yogurt for lunch. it tastes fresh and delicious. as soon as you are done, there is this sense of accomplishment of having eaten so healthily. and then it hits you that you are completely unsatisfied and would love a chunk of anything fried or maybe just some meat...or potatoes or anything that was not green or the consistency of baby food.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Calories? and exercising?

its been a while since i last posted so i will quickly bring you up to date with my progress and lack thereof.

weekends are this horrible pit of food. i have all this time and all this food to spend it with. last weekend was no exception and the delicious food flowed in abundance. actually it wasn't really that great of a selection. i simply ate all that was in site. sunday evening, after a particularly odious day of food consumption, i decided to step on a scale. i took a deep breath as i noted how far the dial jumped. of the fifty pounds i had lost....fifteen came back. at first i tried to play it off as a comliment to myself, imagining that the fat was so unhappy to be gone from me that it had to return. then i realized something must be done!

moday evening i did a little research and by this i of course do mean googling and binging. i found a website that created a personal calorie plan for you. i punched in my age, weight, height and activity level. after it calculated my daily calorie allotment, i saw that there were more options available. it would formulate a plan for maintenance, weight loss or extreme weight loss. i selected extreme because i always overdo all things. once i had been thoroughly depressed by the shockingly low allotment i saw yet another option called calorie staggering. i selected this as well. it made a new plan where i could have a different number of calories every day. it seemed nice. until tuesday. tuesday, i all but fasted. i was hungry all day. the small meals made me almost weep but i didn't have the strength. then wednesday was a feast from start to finish.

you must understand i do exaggerate. tuesday was not all so bad and wednesday did in fact become my new favorite day of the week. this calorie staggering seems to be legitimate so i will give it the fair chance it is due.

in addition to this, i have started my "alp training." this is when i will not repeat the seventh grade and be the fattest kid at camp who huffed and puffed at the back. i WILL be fit enough to hike an Alp when i am in germany this winter! i have started a "training program" which translates to building up endurance by walking more and more every day. it has gone fairly well and my shinsplints are not actually killing me.