Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Days One and Two

Well the first day and second day of my one-hundred-fifty day thing have passed. as usual, breakfast and lunch were not total disasters. i was however able to refrain from mooching my colleagues leftovers. (though i grimaced as they threw them away) being the end of the monthly fiscal period, the selections for my lunch were less than grand. i was also running late and was forced to pick some pre-packaged and high calorie, very unsatisfying food. as the day wore on and my hunger gnawed at me, i grew increasingly irritable at the thought of my meager lunch. by the time lunch came, i was quite irritable and began to make my friends pay seeing as it was clearly their fault that my lunch was so pitiful.

as far as exercising is concerned, day one was mostly a success. after having seen a deceased snake on the side of the road, i was reminded that this was the time of year when the fowl creatures were awaking from their hibernation and throwing themselves maliciously in my path. this led me to alternate my routine and steer clear from my normal woodsy route. instead, i ventured to the subdivision near my house and walked there for a bit.

on the second day, my forest path had been cleared and mowed to a decently low level and my serpentine fears were not so great so i took to the woods once more. after about five minutes the rain began to pour. i decided that this would be good preparation for snowy hikes in germany. until i was soaked ot the bone and i was afraid my iPod would die. so i went inside and loafed on the couch. i tried to do somehing productive but in the end submitted to the ever seductive call of napping.

overall, the eating and exercising wasn't a total debacle for these days. we shall see where it all goes in the coming 148 days.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

50 pounds in 150 days

alright, so its not exactly fifty pounds or 150 days. its more like 43 in 145. still it is an undertaking. my actual goal is to be 200 pounds by the time i go to germany this fall. which is roughly 50 pounds in 150 days.

i decided to launch this new campaign after a week of festivity and eating. for various reasons, i spent a great deal of time celebrating and being generally jovial. this of course required excess consumption of food. i made an inappropriately large and delicious asian meal and had friends over to gorge themselves on it with me so that i would not be alone in my gluttony. we excused this little binge with saying they dropped in for an episode of lost. naturally, all of the food was fried. general tso's chicken, fried rice and egg rolls to be precise. though it was delicious, i could feel the vast tides of oil i had used to cook the food just adding layer upon layer of chunky flesh and flab to my already flabby self.

in keeping up with the pathetic trend, i dines out with friends three other times, each time eating double or triple the humane amount. i felt slightly remorseful as i sat in cracker barrel, after having consumed one of the largest breakfasts on the menu. i thought about less fortunate children who were malnourished and rarely got a full meal, and here i just ate three times what i needed. but, oh! i bet she won't eat those fries! i wonder if anyone would mind if i took the last biscuit? you see that my sympathy lies not even skin deep.

so tomorrow is the new day. and i am starting over once again. blech. maybe i could save up for a lipo-suction.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

just life i spose.

well, since i last posted...i have lost FOUR POUNDS! i know, i know. you must be thinking whoever heard of such a feat? FOUR POUNDS? the man must have some magical quality about him! anyway, despite the small number, you have to start somewhere so four is not a bad place to start if i do say so myself!

seeing as today was tuesday, it meant it was the lowest calorie day of the week. i glance at the fridge as tuesday approaches an shiver with each approaching day. by the time tuesday comes, i think....okay, i can handle this. and i do, for lunch and breakfast but then by the time dinner rolls around i'm toast. ah well, i still end up eating less on such days. though i do complain, it has worked. and with only minimal suffering.

the exercising is still existing. i still prepare for the hiking by doing my little walks in the woods and the hills are still making a mockery of me. i can just hear the earth chuckle as i heave myself up a particularly nasty hill. i try to distract myself with music which is all well and good until my shinsplints lock my legs and my breath abruptly stops. the other day i decided to incorporate jogging again and i was able to push myself farther seeing as there were no creeks in my way this time. now, normally i exaggerate but this time i am serious when i say that i could barely breathe when i stopped. i tried to breathe in and something in me had hit panic mode and was not allowing normal breathing. i had seen plenty of athletes bend in half when they lost their breath so i tried this. it helped but i soon realized i was giving the neighbors quite a spectacle all bent over and huffing and whatnot. so, in order to keep the traces of my pride, i stood tall and proud and proceeded down the trail where i soon died again.

to make a quick jump, healthy food. oh how delicious, how nutritious and how utterly unsatisfying. i love a good salad and yogurt for lunch. it tastes fresh and delicious. as soon as you are done, there is this sense of accomplishment of having eaten so healthily. and then it hits you that you are completely unsatisfied and would love a chunk of anything fried or maybe just some meat...or potatoes or anything that was not green or the consistency of baby food.