Saturday, February 27, 2010


i realize that as of yet, all my posts have been quite negative. this is not because my life is merely one tragic failure day after day. i do have good days where i stay within my calorie limits and blah blah blah. those things are no fun to read about. i mean, what would i say? well. i stayed within my calorie limits, the end. it's far more satisfying to have a hearty chuckle about a comically portrayed failure than to politely smile because someone had a boringly good day.

well as i am sure you can guess by the aforementioned theme of failure, this blog will be no different. since we last spoke i have indeed succumbed to the alluring curves of the couch on more than one occasion. rather than exercise, i sit on the couch watching Betty White and rue McLanahan do their magic as they dance across the set of Golden Girls and then i mozy on over to the computer and put on my favorite music and tell you people about all the times i have fallen down on this cruel path that is weightloss. so as Fiona Apple belts out a song about her mechanical prowess, i tell you that i did in fact just eat half a pack of lunch meat. (it is delicious plain or with honey mustard)

it is a shameful thing to look down at the table and realize that in the process of making a sandwich, you've eaten enough ingredients for about four sandwiches. you know how it goes, i lay out the slices of bread, get out the turkey, eat a slice as i lay the slices down on the bread and turn to the lettuce, lay it on the sandwich, and oh, whats this? turkey! another 2 slices. then i put some cheese on ...hello turkey! and as i put all the ingredients away, i might as well snag a couple slices of that delicious, succulent breast meat. before i realize whats come over me, i have to run to the store for more lunch meat.

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